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Soft Axe

by Saintseneca

00:00 / 06:36
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So long shadow
Arboreal wind
Festoon your room with this dying scent
Cut it up
Light it down
Let me liberate you of your wasted ground

Soft saw
Only one I want to know
Soft saw
Only one I want to know
Off all
Enter winter hoping so

So you could cut me down as long as you drag me in the house
You could cut me down
Saw away

You could cut me down as long as you drag me in the house
While I fall away

Come all ye faithful
Joyful conquerors
Nothing you can’t have
All consuming urge
By your bone fire when season’s through with you
No sooner sated than I ate my fill for two

Soft axe
Only one I want to know
Soft axe
Only one I want to know
Off axis
Enter winter hoping so

So you could cut me down as long as you drag me in the house
You could cut me down
Saw away

You could cut me down as long as you drag me in the house
While I fall away
Why I fall away

Soft axe
Soft axe
Soft saw
Soft saw

So you could cut me down as long as you drag me in the house
You could cut me down
Saw a way

You could cut me down as long as you drag me in the house
Why I fall away
Why I fall away
Why I fall away


released January 24, 2023


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Saintseneca Columbus, Ohio

peace and love

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