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paint pen

from flea house by Frat Mouse

00:00 / 03:21
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call me when you get this


barefoot and running
I told my friends I'd never leave them
And no one sees it coming
I draw your name out with a paint pen

I don't think I want to talk anymore
I'm too drunk and don't know what to say so I'm closing the door
I really miss him but know that you gotta move on
Grass grows and people go I know it

But I'm not complete
I'm not complete

I don't want to give up
I can have you on my back when I make it
I don't want to give up
Call me when you get this

I just want to go back to the garage
Ears ringing and people screaming in your car
Never thought to figure out who you really are
Always looking inwards or down or at my own heart

I'm not complete
I'm not complete

I don't want to give up
I can have you on my back when I make it
I don't want to give up
Call me when you get this

And there's nothing I can say
To make it ok
And there's nothing you can say
To make it ok!

I don't want to give up
I can have you on my back when I make it
I don't want to give up
Call me when you get this
Call me when you get this!!!!


from flea house, released January 5, 2024


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Frat Mouse Los Angeles, California

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