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Sleigh Rides & Cartoons

from Howard Alan .. . at the Lowrey Organ by Howe Gelb

00:00 / 04:04
  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    TEMPORARY PRICE REDUCTION TO $25, since it is now too late for it to arrive by Dec 25th!


    Folks. .. we here at Scatter Land understand the rigors of holiday giving. We know it doesn’t come natural to some. The quest for the perfect gift to match a dear one’s personality in hopes upon unwrapping, isin itself a mismastered art, that they’ll clutch up your clever and or precious meticulously chosen trinket like it was a measure of treasure from the future waitin to be shoved way back here in the present and cackled over endlessly.

    Good luck with that.

    Of course we can assist with this one time offer, unless of course we find ourselves repressing it up again sometime later, with a perfect holiday gift giving experiment.

    We’re talking about an entire album pressed on actual traditional black vinyl, a rather rare occurrence these days amongst the eye candy saucy spectrum of vinyl color choice. But I ask you, is it all about the visual vibrancy of ocular dazzle or the aural spectacular of sheer sonic satisfaction ?

    For only $29.99 ( + nominal shipping costs ), you can now give the gift of music to a loved one guaranteed to increase the odds in hopes they might love you back a
    ...  more
    ships out within 10 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $25 USD or more 


  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

      $1 USD  or more



from Howard Alan .. . at the Lowrey Organ, released December 19, 2023


all rights reserved



Howe Gelb Tucson, Arizona

"If distinctive classification were the stuff of bricks that form the world's universal foundation of descriptive sound, then one would suppose that I/we are but the mortar in between all categorical bricks. Perhaps an uneasy fit for the discernible listener, but nonetheless, holding it all together." ... more


  • May 30
    Graz, Austria

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