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Cosmic Dawn

from Broken Archetypes by Cosmitorium

00:00 / 05:53
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The only involuntary known
The never ending darkness is shown

Peeled back the curtain
That hides all to be known
Real or all projected
Are we stolen light

As the stars awaken
I'm shown the sources
As the planets align to form
The Belts of Existence

What has felt this before
A piece of this we adore

Weightless and suspended
Calling to the nothing
I have spoiled the ending
All of my deleted contacts
Never were there
Blink if you can't breath
I am realizing
That I am made of nothing

Was this my final thought

Transmitting my energy and pain
This shall level me on the astral plane
As I fly effortless and free
The holy mother I will bow to thee
Into the Cosmic Dawn
Letting go of what I held on
Into another realm

Peeled back the curtain
That hides all to be known
Real or all projected
Are we stolen light

But there's no sound in space
As I review this past phase
A deconstruct of molecules DNA
As I slowly start to fade

As the stars awaken
I'm shown the sources
As the planets align to form
The Belts of Existence

Getting by
On the backs of gravity and atmosphere

Soon to be engulfed by solar winds
This melting planet has surely met its end
The riddance of water our thirst unquenched
Our liquid bodies shall be the only fluid left
Into the Cosmic Dawn
Letting go of what I held on

A smoldering ash is all that's left
Our system void in this space
As the stars awaken


from Broken Archetypes, released November 3, 2023
Primary: Alex Chapman
Guitars performed by Alex Chapman and Nick LaSalle
Drums written and performed by Dylan Walker
Lyrics written and performed by James Owen
Bass written and performed by Arran McSporran

Drums engineered by Zack Ohren at Sharkbite Studios, Oakland, CA
Vocals engineered by Rick Titus
Mixed and mastered by Zack Ohren


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Cosmitorium Santa Rosa, California

Est. 2018
Santa Rosa, CA

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