supported by 7 fans who also own “Bloodline Through The Mirage (DATAS24)”
A softer album filled with vibes that bring you to a gentler place, but make you feel simultaneously safe and unsafe at the same time. The album is filled with soft groove and ethereal vocals, allowing one to phase in and out of it at any time. gavlizard
supported by 7 fans who also own “Bloodline Through The Mirage (DATAS24)”
i never paid much attention to modular synths, then i saw the video of MAVS doing end sequence live and i was blown TF away. this stuff is so dayum cool. Watapacha
A work of cinematic reach and breadth, the latest from Nathan Moody employs strings & synths & heavy atmospheres to build worlds. Bandcamp... New & Notable Apr 11, 2021
supported by 7 fans who also own “Bloodline Through The Mirage (DATAS24)”
This is one of the cleanest, most precise sounding releases I have ever heard. Not a single piece of any track is out of place, and there is no listening fatigue. I can play this on repeat for hours without fail. And the vocoder/robot voices are always welcome in any song ever! phntmsmshr