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David and I, with our friend Tasha, demoed this in sessions at my storage unit in Whitby for a mooted second Wayward Band album but originally, I learned it from Neill Maccoll during the filming of Thomas Vinterburg's Far From The Madding Crowd. Neill had to teach the young wayward soldier how to sing this at his wedding, so the girls could file out with their titters and disapproval behind their hands. I loved, and pinched it.


from CONVERSATIONS WE'VE HAD BEFORE, released July 4, 2023


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Eliza Carthy Whitby, UK

Describing herself simply as a 'modern English musician', Eliza Carthy is one of the most recognisable faces in British folk.

From the purest unaccompanied traditional songs to original music incorporating myriad influences, she has moved through English folk music like a force of nature, both stirring it up & putting it back on the map.
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