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Christmas Cactus

by Summer Salt

00:00 / 03:20
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Holidays are coming our way
Summer has taken to rakes
And leaves out in the pooł
A skimmer full
And every house a different hue
And the fire is turning blue
But no perennial green

So I listen to cold
Whirling flurries at my window
As I dress up for the day

And drift off into the distance
And bring home some Christmas cactus
To propagate

Plant it
Pot it in clay
Root it in water and wait
And watch it as it grows
Before the snow
I bring the garden back inside
Then the house is alive
Conservatory maze

And I fall back into my chaise
Melt beside the fire place
While Garson’s Plantasia plays

And I drift off into the distance
And bring home some Christmas cactus
To decorate

I drift off into the distance
I drift off into the distance
I drift off into the distance
And bring home some Christmas Cactus
To decorate


released December 8, 2023


all rights reserved



Summer Salt Austin, Texas

With influences of bossa nova and oldies, we create the perfect soundtrack for chillaxin’ by the pool.

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