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I Remember Your Name

from Murder In The Friendly City by Promiseland BBQ

00:00 / 04:09
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This is a song for my mother. It was the first song written that ended up on this record.


Come and sit down momma. Come and tell me your dreams.
Tell me where do you go when you are sleeping?
Come momma take it easy. Rest now, go to sleep.
I’ll be carrying you like you carried me,

And no need to worry for eternity.
The Good Lord above has seen us through to infinity.
I remember your name.
Even in another place.
When you’re so far away, I can hear the beach
carrying soft summer dreams away into another place.

No words I can say, no song I can sing to even carry your name.
The beautiful melody ain’t half as sweet as the memory.

When you’re so far away, I can hear your dreams
carrying you soft and sweet away into another place.


from Murder In The Friendly City, track released April 5, 2022
Hamilton Belk: Pedal steel
Tristan Miller: Backing vocals
Alex Nanni: Backing vocals; Additional Production - Vocals
John Kolar: Mastering


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Promiseland BBQ Morgantown, West Virginia

Promiseland BBQ is Appalachian Americana music written and performed by Ross Weidman. Ross Weidman is from Morgantown, WV and currently lives in Pasadena, CA. He is an Earth Science Systems Engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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