supported by 17 fans who also own “The People Are Broken (Leaether Strip Remix)”
A mixed bag of goodies, but all good! Combines the sound of recent releases with the mojo of past ones - not much a lush exploration of sounds, as a more straight EBM effort. felipe_serra
supported by 15 fans who also own “The People Are Broken (Leaether Strip Remix)”
A bit late to the Shannon Hemmett party, this is her debut EP. Debut album "Ultraviolet" also available and is definitely worth a listen too. Rob Smith
supported by 15 fans who also own “The People Are Broken (Leaether Strip Remix)”
My first Strip album was 1997's 'Self-Inflicted' when it was released, yes I am an old-school 90's. To this date is still one of my favorite albums of that genre. Checking up I saw this Bandcamp page which showed the liner-notes for Last Station, and having kept loose tabs on Claus' life my heart sank to the very bottom. I'm so very sorry. I purchased the physical CD and it's what one can expect of this artist, top-tier, top-notch musicality, musicianship, the very best, 10/10. Bpomp
The NYC-based ”East Asian cyber-metal” group explore musical combinations with a full-throated earnestness that bears fruit in bursts of creativity. Bandcamp Album of the Day May 2, 2023
Harsh R's latest moves away from heavy, noisy industrial post-punk and into darkly melodic synth-pop with textural production. Bandcamp... New & Notable Feb 14, 2023
supported by 15 fans who also own “The People Are Broken (Leaether Strip Remix)”
one time I was being attacked by a pack of rabid hyenas and then Klack came on. The entire pack ceased ripping my flesh from my body and we all proceeded to live harmoniously. my flesh also IMMEDIATELY healed. Vernal Trash