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by Pocket Sun

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'Familiar' is the first single from our upcoming album 'Mirror in Blue Light'.
Released 27th October 2023.


Did you even feel the fall
Captured in your sweet cologne
Wonder where the pain resolves

Mirror in blue light
Cover your smile

Where there is dreaming, holding the vision
In every moment we recognise
Everything changes and rearranges
Into the ether of modern life
Like good and evil, how we perceive it
Blend with an infinite energy
What can we do when we’re so familiar
Lost in a living identity

Your followed by the sound of rain
Moves through you like a hurricane

Mirror in blue light
Cover your smile

Where there is dreaming, holding the vision
In every moment we recognise
Everything changes and rearranges
Into the ether of modern life
Like good and evil, how we perceive it
Blend with an infinite energy
What can we do when we’re so familiar
Lost in a living identity


released October 27, 2023
Song produced by Josh Best-Shaw at Small Hours Studio
Mastered by James Trevascus
Artwork by Gina Marie Tratt
Video by Danté Belt and Gina Marie Tratt


all rights reserved



Pocket Sun Bristol, UK

With creamy synth-pop roots, Pocket Sun layer microcosmic worlds of emotional potency; everything from melancholia, reflection, and nostalgia is reflected within their work. Hypnotic grooves keep a swirling whirlpool of electronic textures grounded and powerful, whilst soaring, intimate vocals sew the listener into the ephemeral landscapes of the music. ... more

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