Jesper and his neighbour Jasmina first met when they were forced out of their houses due to a gas leak. Jasmina brought her accordion. Some time later, Jaap joined, and the Milojkovic Trio was born. Lewsberg
A 19-track album filled with music, poetry and field recordings. Plus a 36p. zine. Created on the island of Vlieland in December 2021 by a group of of eight musicians and writers. Lewsberg
Goldblum is the self-titled debut by Marijn Verbiesen (Red Brut) and Michiel Klein (Lewsberg, Geo). The duo creates lo-fi songs working with flea market cassettes, tape-loops, keyboards and vocals. Lewsberg
Rarities compilation from an all-too-often overlooked German post-punk band with pop leanings, reminiscent of !!! and MGMT. Bandcamp New &... Notable Mar 20, 2025