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Fantasy Love

by Brigitte Bardini

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Fantasy Love delivers warm synths and punchy beats with angelic vocals overtop that confess of love as a delusion in times of struggle.


You're my fantasy
My delusion
I hold you close to me
Come live in this illusion

Fantasy Love
when it all gets too hard
just take my heart and I'll be yours

Fantasy Love
when it all gets too hard
just take my heart and I'll be yours

Your sweet fantasy
Darling just let it be
We can make memories
Come live in this illusion with me

Live in this illusion with me

Fantasy Love
when it all gets too hard
just take my heart and I'll be yours

Fantasy Love
when it all gets too hard
just take my heart and I'll be yours

Fantasy Love
Fantasy Love
Take my heart
Take my heart

Fantasy Love
Take my heart
Take my heart and I'll be yours


released November 10, 2023
Written, recorded, produced and performed by Brigitte Bardini
Mixed and mastered at Good Mood Melbourne


all rights reserved



Brigitte Bardini Melbourne, Australia

Brigitte Bardini is a self taught musician and producer, writing, recording and producing her songs in the comfort of her own home in Naarm (Melbourne).

Following 'Petals' and 'Crush', 'Fool' is the most recent bite of her delicately despairing upcoming album, 'Blue Tigers'.
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