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Archive 81

from I Don't Do Humidity by Bathe Alone

00:00 / 03:41
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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Bathe Alone's 3rd LP, I Don't Do Humidity, on lovely fogy green vinyl, complete with a lyric insert!

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When I wrote this song, it was originally intended to be a smaller arrangement, something more drone-y and simple. But, once I showed it to my producer, he realized this song deserved to be huge. It quickly became one of the bigger and most dense sounding things we’ve ever worked on, and it was totally meant to be that way all along.


Take it all back
Cause you want to
And I think it makes sense
In all my life
Never once did
Did I feel the moonlight
Like tonight

How can it be over
I will pretend that we’re alright
Alright, alright
How come you already gone
Let’s finish Archive 81
And be alright, alright

Thought you would’ve been the one
To believe in
Now you come undone
Now I realize
Never once did
Did I open my eyes
Like tonight

How can it be over
I will pretend that we’re alright
Alright, alright
How come you already gone
Let’s finish Archive 81
And be alright, alright

How can it be over
I will pretend that we’re alright
Alright, alright
How come you already gone
Let’s finish Archive 81
And be alright, alright


from I Don't Do Humidity, track released November 3, 2023


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Bathe Alone Atlanta, Georgia

Bathe Alone is the dreampop solo project of multi-instrumentalist Bailey Crone based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Bailey plays everything from drums, guitar, bass to vocals on the project and aims to create songs you can "lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling to." ... more

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