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Restless, anxious
Replay the thoughts that drove me away
Stuck in motion
Never could find a reason to stay
The morning comes too late

I need a place to go
Somewhere I can be alone
My motion's automatic
I'm cursed to be nomadic
I need a place to go
Somewhere I can call home
But mostly it's just tragic
I'm cursed to be nomadic

Always running
Drown anyone who swims in my wake
Smoke screen, dead scene
How many more repeated mistakes can I survive today

I need a place to go
Somewhere I can be alone
My motion's automatic
I'm cursed to be nomadic
I need a place to go
Somewhere I can call home
But mostly it's just tragic
I'm cursed to be nomadic


from do you want to be alone?, released September 29, 2023


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Valice Austin, Texas

Valice (rhymes with release) is an Austin-based indie rock band delivering high-energy performances with theatrical flair. With an eclectic blend of infectious pop hooks and dynamic songwriting, Valice invites fans into a space that’s entirely their own–one where every track is an adventure, and every show a celebration. ... more

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