The realest, scariest, heaviest fucking shit. Who needs grease paint and fake satanism, when you can just look around at the mutilation of humanity that is the American South? Real American horror story. A fucking tragedy. Every day. Mark Barnes
The title is very encouraging. There's a lit up cross. While I usually lean to the more melodic styles of music and gentler approaches, I think this sounds pretty cool and unique. Maybe not that unique, but it is unique. I think the singer is having a lot of fun with his style of screaming. I like the crushing rhythms of the guitars too. Heavy!!! The impact is like a meteor. Michael
Extremely inventive and multifaceted sci-fi prog death, just like iridescent ethereal world on the cover art. Best band's achievement up to date. And easily in 2023 AOTY list Dmitry Nevozhay
A fucking beautiful and melancholic
album. Some of the best from Emma and the boys from Thou. I hope that we get more releases from them both in the future! And we all know I’m buying it. marshy_1