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from Nightbloom by laur

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tearful with no hesitation
longing for your adoration
it’s not right
glass of water
herbs and teas and dark matter
breathe in peace to what’s already

turning my tears into potions
sleepless in cities in motion
all night
feel so tired so impatient
softening into salvation
it’s alright

Aphrodite she told me
that we’re holy and wild
there is a light on the path of the healer
there is a hope in the four heart chambers
be easy for a while

in the dark we are honest
all these secrets unfolding
it’s a delicate mine
I’m not scared to soften
these demons they don’t know my heart
hold tender your dark side
hold tender your dark side


from Nightbloom, released October 6, 2023


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laur Brooklyn, New York

laur (lore) is a brooklyn-based artist known for her captivating soundscapes and soulful lyrics. laur’s music is a unique blend of pop, electronic, and r&b, characterized by lush instrumentation and dreamy vocals.

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