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Water Tower

from Tap In by Combat Naps

00:00 / 01:58
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Ancient, purple water tower
First thing that I see
Who is living in that tower
Are they fans of sci-fi fantasy?
I blew a kiss when
No one was looking
Did it reach a single person
I doubt it, I really doubt it
You got me thinking about the places
People come up with, that nobody fucks with
Cuz it's too strange,
And now the highest window
I ever looked through
It wasn't that high up anyway,
It wasn't that high up anyway
Ancient, purple water tower
Staring out to sea
Who is swimming in that water
Must be stars of sci-fi fantasy
They put a one-way mirror around it
Can they see me in the driveway
Getting the tears out before I go inside?
Got me thinking about the places people come up with
That nobody fucks with cuz it's too strange
The highest window I ever looked through
It wasn't that high up anyway


from Tap In, released October 14, 2023


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