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Digger's Meditation

from Digger's Meditation by salama

00:00 / 13:34
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enter the tripped out, enchanted paintings & soundscapes of salama. Welcoming the Russian artist onto the label with a 6 track release sitting in it’s own indefinable lane of ambient oozings and washed out cyclical nature samples.
Interconnecting her love for painting and music, salama sinks into her subconscious to fuse these 2 worlds together - “a mystical reflection on the past and present through living natural phenomena and human relationships”
Digger’s Meditation intros you to salama’s world slipping into a cathartic 13 min meditation of tetchy trap beats & faded skeletal samples. It opens the gates to pitched down voices and echoing beats leading you to the garden of sound on SL. birds & sounds of nature accompany a loose hip-hop beat that fades to blissful nothingness. Jettin’ Planets Remix kicks the music back into kilter with an eerie beat & twinkling melodies laid over a distant rapping voice. we continue deeper into the landscape as Pomoy darkens the sounds with chuggy drums that lead to a glistening melodic light. Sleeping On The Persian Rug flourishes into a 360 soundscape of nature, yearning melancholic horns and signature disjointed beats. a prelude to the drawn out ambiental closer, Mirage Loop. 8 thoughtful minutes reflecting on the dreams, mystique & nature hidden in salama’s world of sound.


from Digger's Meditation, released August 11, 2023
Written & Produced by salama
mastered by Robert Venning


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