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by Marissa Nadler & Rob Burger

00:00 / 04:55
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Written by Richard Manuel and Robbie Robertson
First released by The Band on their eponymous 1969 album.

Performed by Marissa Nadler & Rob Burger
Recorded in Nashville, TN by Marissa Nadler and Rob Burger
Mixed by Rob Burger

Rob Burger - piano, harmonium, lap steel, Moog bass, bowed vibes
Marissa Nadler - vocals


If you find me in a gloom, or catch me in a dream
Inside my lonely room, there is no in between
Whispering pines, rising of the tide
If only one star shines
That's just enough to get inside

I will wait until it all goes 'round
With you in sight, the lost are found

Foghorn through the night, calling out to sea
Protect my only light, for she once belonged to me
Let the waves rush in, let the seagulls cry
For if I live again, these hopes will never die

I can feel you standing there
But I don't see you anywhere

Standing by the well, wishing for the rains
Reaching to the clouds, for nothing else remains
Drifting in a daze, when evening will be done
Try looking through a haze
At an empty house, in the cold, cold sun

I will wait until it all goes 'round
With you in sight, the lost are found


released October 5, 2023


all rights reserved



Marissa Nadler Nashville, Tennessee

Sacred Bones Records and Bella Union Records.


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