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Pendulum - Live at the Hollywood

by Dimmer

00:00 / 05:13
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from the forthcoming album Dimmer Live at the Hollywood.

The Hollywood Avondale that is. Dimmer - Live At The Hollywood features cherry picked versions from the entire Dimmer repertoire, recorded over a sold-out three night stand in Tāmaki Makaurau.

“Live performance has always been it for me,” said Carter “but I’ve
usually found live recordings ropey. I was actually blown away by how good the Hollywood recordings were, and how they included angles
and extrapolations on the tunes that aren’t on the original recordings. Although I stand to financially gain from the exploitation of this artefact I wholeheartedly recommend the item to the general listening public.”

Recorded and produced by Radio NZ, DIMMER Live at The Hollywood is available for pre-order now exclusively from www.shaynepcarter.com

Dimmer live 2023 www.undertheradar.co.nz/news/20752/Dimmer-Reuniting-For-Nationwide-Aotearoa-Tour.utr


released September 11, 2023


all rights reserved



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