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Come After Me

by Bo Milli

00:00 / 03:53
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Blending richly textured dream-pop with surging indie rock, Bo Milli's new single "Come After Me" is adorned with an irresistibly youthful edge. "I'm on my own / overthinking" Milli cries in the track's exhilarating chorus; punctuated by crushing guitar strums and propelled forward by a zestful rhythm section.

Co-produced by Odd Martin (Sigrid, Sløtface) and co-written with Henrik Michelsen (Maisie Peters, Little Mix), "Come After Me" is again emotionally fuelled by the cold Bergen night life - a recurring theme across her debut EP - with Bo Milli this time specifically overthinking on her journey home from a party...

Speaking more on "Come After Me", Bo Milli said: "I'm fantasising about a big romantic gesture from someone I'm worried might not be that interested. I'm walking home from a party they're still at, overthinking the whole night and feeling that if they come after me, that'll somehow prove we're on the same page. Although I haven't told them how I feel, I hope they'll know to leave the party and run after me like in the movies."


Come After Me
On the tip of your tongue
I’m thinking the truth is that you don't want anyone
You let me leave alone
I wonder what you doing
As I'm walking on home

I look over my shoulder
I look over my shoulder

Don't want you to say anything
Just come after me
I'm on my own
Looking down the street
Hope to see you following

Not the time or the place
To get into it
At a party in everybody's face
You know I kinda felt
When I called it a night
You should’ve done as well
I'm sure you could tell

Now it's hanging in the air
You could be anywhere
I keep thinking that I know its passive aggressive
And I know it's not fair
But I want you to read my mind
Leave your friends at the club behind
And realize I want you to come running after me in the night

Don't want you to say anything
Just come after me
I'm on my own
Looking down the street
Hope to see you following

Now it's hanging in the air
I want you to read my mind
Now it's hanging in the air
I want you to read my mind
Now it's hanging in the air
I want you to read my mind
Realize I want you to come running after me in the night

Don't want you to say anything
Just come after me
I'm on my own
Looking down the street
Hope to see you following


released August 10, 2023
Produced by Odd Martin
Written by Emilie Røine Østebø and Henrik Michelsen


all rights reserved



Bo Milli Bergen, Norway

With a predisposition to self-criticise and a talent for turning that into art, Bo Milli is an essential new voice in music. Through her diaristic lyrics, the super smart environmentalist writes hook after hook as she navigates her inner conflict. And indeed, in putting her own life into words, she has unknowingly narrated our collective existential angst. ... more

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