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Bass Drum

by Halfloves

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00:00 / 03:39


This dreamy love song considers the glorified past, uncertain present and a future we long for with someone so special it feels like we're floating above ourselves. With blooming synths, choppy guitars and hopeful melancholy, "Bass Drum" tiptoes between delusion, regret and (sometimes) absolute, unbridled bliss.

We hope this song connects with anyone who's ever teetered between crippling self-doubt & trust-falling backwards into the arms of beautiful blinding love.


Don’t even start with me I miss the apartment and all of your clothes
Strewn on the floor - shoes by the door - the tattoo above your elbow
Hole in my heart, I cannot tell you the times that I’ve thought of you since
That summer away - tends to replay in my mind and it goes like this

You bang on my heart like a bass drum
You shoot through the sky like a star on fire
You’re making me feel like I’m floating above myself
Oh just pinch me and wake me up

Look at me now - thinking somehow
That I followed my dreams instead
No consolation - oh desperation
Laying in my twin bed
You settled down - looks like you love him
Looks like he loves you too
House and the kids - oh I still miss
When I thought it might turn out like this


released August 1, 2023
Produced by Brandon Darner
Engineered by Micah Natera
Recorded at Magic Barn Studio in Solon, IA
Mastering by Doug Van Sloun at Focus Mastering
Artwork by WOX
All rights reserved by Halfloves


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Halfloves Iowa City, Iowa

Hailed as "the best currently active rock band in Iowa" by the Iowa Informer, indie rock outfit Halfloves offers a variety of songs on their self-titled debut album made with renowned producer Brandon Darner (Imagine Dragons, The Envy Corps). Halfloves mixes pop sensibilities with heady textures and space to create an emotionally charged sound. ... more

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