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No Será Regresar

from Principio del Fuego by Fuensanta

00:00 / 05:02
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No será regresar
Ni tocar los colores febriles
Que habitaron mis sienes
No los sueños infantiles
De la rabia más hermosa
No el cardumen de esperanza
Ni los pájaros ansiosos
No será regresar

Una a una tuve grietas
Que se inundaron de lluvia
Grietas grises, muertas, tristes
Deslavaron mis olores

Un goteo interminable cae
Sobre la frente de un ave
A los pájaros insomnes
Ya les ha llegado tiempo
No será regresar

Yo seré en tierras pálidas
desgarre de bugambilias

Un golpe de lágrimas (bam bam)
sobre la anestesia tibia

La obsidiana lisa y negra
entre desiertas cortesías

Yo soy
Yo soy
Yo soy
Yo soy el gracias muy sincero
abandonando el tranvía.


it won't be going back
nor touching the feverish colors
that inhabited my temples.
not the childish dreams
of the most beautiful anger
not the shoal of hope
nor the anxious birds.

it won't be going back.

one by one I had cracks
that were flooded in rain.
grey, sad, dead cracks
washed away my scents.

an endless dripping falls
against a fowl’s forehead.
for the sleepless birds
the time has come

it won't be going back.

I will be in pale lands
the gashing of bougainvillea

a slam of tears
in the warm anesthesia

the black and smooth obsidian
among deserted courtesies

I am the very sincere thank you
abandoning the tramcar.


from Principio del Fuego, released June 30, 2023
written & arranged by Fuensanta

Fuensanta – voice, double bass, add percussion
Louis cole – drums
Guy salomon – drum solo, add percussion
Sun mi hong – add percussion
Marta arpini, sanem kalfa, līva dumpe, laura polence – choir

recorded in BIMHUIS, ndsm treehouse & los angeles


all rights reserved



Fuensanta Amsterdam, Netherlands

fuensanta méndez – nacida y crecida en Veracruz [México]

singer, composer, double bassist, improviser, multidisciplinary artist.

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