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Out On The Weekend

from For Jimmy by Boy Golden

00:00 / 03:59
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In the kitchen they're drinking a lot
Kris and Dylan are singing a song
Somebody's friend is throwing up on the lawn
There's a couple new faces but we're getting a long
It's a good time, there's a long line at Times Change(d)

But we're getting in for free
Thanks to Jesse
And I bought a beer, four dollars fifty
I saw a band, that I've seen before
You took my hand and got me on the floor
It's a good time, I watched you do a line behind the bathroom door

Out on the weekend
With all of my friends
Going off the deep end
Like we won't see each other again

Picked you up in my old 95
You'd had too many but I'm good to drive
You said you missed me and I didn't cry
You tried to kiss me and I said goodbye

It's a good time, I dropped you off and went back to mine

In the garage, they're spinning some wax
Old country music helps me relax
So does a beer and we're throwing them back
Jen rolled a joint my god is it fat

It's a good time, I'm drinking coffee you're drinking wine

Out on the weekend
With all my friends
Going off the deep end
Getting the spins
Keeping the faith like
It's ours to defend
Like we won't see each other again

In the basement, I'm getting high
Trying to write something I can stand by
It's a good time, it's a long life and I'm living again


from For Jimmy, released July 21, 2023


all rights reserved



Boy Golden Winnipeg, Manitoba

Boy Golden has a purpose: enjoy each day and make good music. Founder and minister of The Church of Better Daze, he wants to help people seeking to improve on yesterday’s themes. His songs, like hymns, are hopeful, fresh and upbeat.


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