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from Monochrome EP by Shrimp Eyes

00:00 / 03:50


Put your adventures,
In to the things that break ships,
Try them against the sky,
I see the dagger,
In the left when the right strikes,
Another restless night

It’s a Street I know,
from twenty years back,
It’s a Sunday,
The shops are all shut,
You can’t live,
in two worlds at once,
A wonderful display of nothingness

You can join the team,
We’ll go and graze our knees,
We won but, it felt so shallow,
I need to play the market,
With smile you can read,
A number of ways

You cant live in,
you cant live in,
you cant live in two worlds at once


from Monochrome EP, track released May 7, 2023


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Shrimp Eyes London, UK

Oh it's a band


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