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Buck Moon (feat. Norah Jones & Carl Broemel)

by Rocky Roberts & Friends

00:00 / 05:20
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This song started its life as a poem I wrote for Ben Keith’s memorial service. Ben was a master steel guitarist that I had the privilege of teaching in many of Neil Young’s Bands and CSM&Y over the years.

An ode to all great sidemen who grace a songwriters music, it is dedicated to Ben and his fellow bandmates Rick, the bass player, Rosas, Donald Duck Dunn and Pegi Young.

I asked Nora Jones and Carl to join in because they shared the experience and love of Ben and the gang over the years. Thank you!



Well he’d just sit out on the side as the lines were drawn
of heartache and love whatever came along
till he would put wings on the poets song
yeah he would put wings on the poets song

And as that poet sang he’d play his part straight from the heart
and every note he played would sparkle and ring
Two or three notes explained everything
Two or three notes explained everything

The buck moon was rising on our setting son
and I could hear the cryinn' of wood steel and chrome
pickin’ it up and takin’ it home
pickin’ it up and takiin’ it home

Cookin’ up a gumbo with everything he's got maybe a couple of shots
sweet as molasses with tabasco on top
shaking it up down to the last drop
shaking it up down to the last drop

The buck moon was rising on our setting son
and I could hear the cryin’ of wood steel and chrome
pickin’’ it up and takin’ home
pickin’ it up and takin’ it home
pickin’ it up……up….up and takin’ it home.


released December 1, 2022
Rocky Roberts - Vocals & acoustic guitar
Norah Jones - Vocals
Carl Broemel - Electric guitar & pedal steel
Hugh Christopher Brown - Piano
Jason Mercer - Upright bass
Pete Bowers - Drums


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Rocky Roberts & Friends Greenfield, Massachusetts

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