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by eli ann

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A serenely haunting ode to life's cycles of grief and renewal, “Lighthouse” is inspired by unexpected loss, a bad car accident, the difficulty of navigating post-grad life, and not acknowledging the pain of it all until years later.


Be still my heart
Wading in the water
Time apart
Shouldn’t get much harder

Waves of waiting keep on crashing down
Waves of maybe this time I won’t drown

Reaching for a place
I couldn’t get much farther
Sea and space
Endless as I wander

Waves of waiting keep on crashing down
Waves of maybe this time I won’t drown

Build me a lighthouse and guide me home
Build me a lighthouse and guide me home
Build me a lighthouse and guide me home

Just across the water
Help me sing


released July 7, 2023
Songwriter - Elizabeth Ann Chavez
Vocal Producer - Rachel St. Marseille
Track Producer - Brett Kramer
Co-Producer - Marc Encabo
Vocals & Violin - Elizabeth Ann Chavez
Saxophone - Eric Hirschhorn
Drums - Brett Kramer
Bass - Marc Encabo
Mixing - Jonny Bell
Mastering - Robin Schmidt
Visuals - Nicole Hanson


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eli ann Los Angeles, California

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