Screen printed metal tin, with laser etched metallic usb plus a score of 21 full colour printed polaroid cards.
(++This edition ships with tracking, it is listed here as an LP so the digital files are attached to this item when purchased++)
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via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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Streaming + Download
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
supported by 33 fans who also own “Environmental Studies (excerpt I)”
This is a wonderful, diverse album. Not sure "Costume" is my favorite track but it is a beautiful track. The short piano lines ring against a shifting background that give portions the feel of a concerto, except here the orchestra is replaced by sounds of a world like and unlike ours. Much better than the morose slow march approach to ambient music. jly54
supported by 27 fans who also own “Environmental Studies (excerpt I)”
You'd think that the statement "this is the work of amazing musicians playing together" should apply to everything that I choose to listen to, but I still feel the need to emphasize it here. Four songs, 17-21 minutes each, and every moment is alive with intensity, filled with atmosphere, shrouded with energy that pulls you forward even in the most repetitive or simplistic moments. Travel is dramatic, in the calmest, coolest way, and it is very good. rvss.eel