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"I gave myself 3 minutes to try and make the boy I fancied like me back. I wanted a song that I could sing at him from stage and by the time I came off he’d be literally in love with me...
I watched this interview with Pharrell and he was like “songs should be an argument”. Better Together is definitely that - a conversation between someone that’s a skeptic of love and someone trying to convince them otherwise...
I became a relationship skeptic after the “I stole your jumper” boy - “I’m not gonna cut myself in two to be your other half” was how I viewed them.
Musically I wanted a Motown band verse x Radiohead chorus. I tried to write a baseline like the Four Tops and like a guitar riff from out of The Bends. They both do pining the best I think and Songs that pine are my favourite - frustration makes music feel way more exciting."
released June 14, 2023
Guitar, piano, VOX- Eaves Wilder
Bass- Joshua Rumble
Drums- Emma hiley
Production, Eaves Wilder, Andy Savours,
Mixing, Andy Savours
supported by 6 fans who also own “Better Together”
Eraser is one of my top tracks from the past 2 years. perfect. This EP is good except for the first track. Normally this kind of simple music doesn't work for me with basic drums and basic chords, but this music sounds good. Mori_bnd
Five ghostly folk songs described by Dayydream as being on the border of imagination & reality, all wreathed in delicate echo. Bandcamp New &... Notable Nov 6, 2022
L.A.’s No Swoon offer dazzling dreampop on this, their debut album, with feather-light melodies drifting over rolling guitars. Bandcamp New &... Notable Apr 9, 2022
supported by 5 fans who also own “Better Together”
I just love the fleeting synth and the bouncy dance beat. Amelia delivers a vocal of positive lyrics sung in a slight monotone to hit a melancholic happiness and then blends perfectly into A Thousand Years. My 2 favorite tracks on the LP. ultra // dave