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Better Together

by Eaves Wilder

00:00 / 03:25
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"I gave myself 3 minutes to try and make the boy I fancied like me back. I wanted a song that I could sing at him from stage and by the time I came off he’d be literally in love with me...

I watched this interview with Pharrell and he was like “songs should be an argument”. Better Together is definitely that - a conversation between someone that’s a skeptic of love and someone trying to convince them otherwise...

I became a relationship skeptic after the “I stole your jumper” boy - “I’m not gonna cut myself in two to be your other half” was how I viewed them.

Musically I wanted a Motown band verse x Radiohead chorus. I tried to write a baseline like the Four Tops and like a guitar riff from out of The Bends. They both do pining the best I think and Songs that pine are my favourite - frustration makes music feel way more exciting."


released June 14, 2023
Guitar, piano, VOX- Eaves Wilder
Bass- Joshua Rumble
Drums- Emma hiley
Production, Eaves Wilder, Andy Savours,
Mixing, Andy Savours


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Eaves Wilder London, UK

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