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The Man I Was That Day

by Northern Lights

00:00 / 02:58
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When I walk
Their eyes turn away
There were some
Who wanted me that way

It's easier to blame them
It's harder to forgive
When they put you in that place in their play

They did not let me
I couldn't explain
They put you for wrong judgment
A place where one could stay

I could not speak, I could not say
Why I became the man I was that day

Now before
I could part my own lips
The sighs came
In limbo I sit

My mind is so cloudy
I beg of you my friends
The part that's been granted is insane

They did not let me
I couldn't explain
They put you for wrong judgment
A place where one could stay

I could not speak, I could not say
Why I became the man I was that day

I could not speak, I could not say
Why I became the man I was that day


released June 10, 2023


all rights reserved



Northern Lights Gothenburg, Sweden

The northern lights, one of several astronomical phenomena called polar lights (aurora polaris), are shafts or curtains of colored light visible on occasion in the night sky.

Music by: Anton Josefsson and Edvin Muratovic.
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