supported by 27 fans who also own “Spilled Milk Factory”
To me, listening to this record is like visiting an old friend. I don't always make the time to spend time with it, but when I do those moments are special. Modest Mouse went on to do bigger and better things than this in their career to be sure, but this has an energetic and youthful sensibility to it that they've never quite replicated since. Highly recommended. steverie
The Iron & Wine frontman's collaboration with polymath singer-songwriter Jesca Hoop is diverse in styles and full of effervescent energy. New & Notable Apr 15, 2016
Ten spare songs from Australian musician Ali Barter that showcase her razor-sharp lyrics, backed only by brittle guitar. Bandcamp New &... Notable May 22, 2020
Land of Talk return after a seven-year absence with a record full of mournful, bluish synths and the glorious vocals of Elizabeth Powell. Bandcamp... New & Notable Mar 20, 2017