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Ano Onna no Onryou

from Akuma no Uta by Boris

00:00 / 06:28
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those stone-like eyes know my ending
"cast shadow"
that femme whispers without a blink,
I only hear persisting echo
with her hair waving, la danse des morts
"I'm gonna be taken away"

losing the sky this eye want to see
losing the color this eye want to see
and for you

this hand knows my ending
"nails that touch the evil"
the gauzy figure of the femme
eludes with vague voice without touching
she spills out doom
I can see it from the shape of her lips
"I'm gonna be invaded"

losing the pain this hand want to feel
losing the shape this hand want to take
and for me

tried to escape, but in vain
dragged into malevolent singing, and burnt in ashes
then I see no ending


from Akuma no Uta, released October 4, 2019


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