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The Orielles - Tableau 002

from The Goyt Method by The Orielles

00:00 / 04:22
  • Streaming + Download

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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    The Goyt Method' EP.Released is released on 12" on black vinyl with artwork by Ben Thompson. The 5 track EP features brand new songs constructed from randomly chosen parts of tracks from their recently released, critically acclaimed fourth album, 'Tableau,' which was released last Autumn. It's the perfect companion piece to their stunning 2022 record.

    "Our concept for The Goyt Method was birthed from our interest in cybernetics, improvisation and experimental electronic music. We wanted to zoom out of ‘Tableau’ and disconnect all the pieces, rearranging them in new ways to create variations of songs, which encapsulate the whole record. We left this part of the process completely down to chance, adopting an online roulette wheel to choose our stems. This way of creating music was familiar to us from spending a lot of time remixing and record collecting, gaining an invested interest in deep listening and avant-garde electronic music.

    The name itself comes from the initial location in which we remixed with Joel Patchett, a wintery and freezing cold Goyt Mill. From here, we coined the term ‘Goytism’ or ‘to Goyt’ which was basically our way of describing the process of repurposing and resampling acoustic sounds through digital production, making them unrecognisable from their original source.

    The photograph on the sleeve was taken in winter 2020, our first visit to the Mill studio, our first Goyt session".

    Includes unlimited streaming of The Goyt Method via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ... more
    ships out within 7 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      £18.99 GBP or more 



from The Goyt Method, released May 26, 2023


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The Orielles Manchester, UK

Since forming in Halifax over a decade ago, The Orielles have journeyed from lo-fi DIY indie origins to inspired avant-pop. With new album Tableau, they created an experimental double album self-produced in collaboration with producer Joel Anthony Patchett. In doing so, the Orielles have utilised holistic jazz practices, oblique 21st century electronica, and experimental 1960s tape loop methods. ... more

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