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Moon Chariot

from Viper Summer by Virgin of the Birds

00:00 / 02:08
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I rejoiced at seeing the giantess
And the world and its cruelties
And the serpent that sings:
"Now, for the moon, Noreen!"
"Now, for the moon, Noreen!"

I want to be inexhaustible
10 stories high, I'll never die

All my dreaming brings me
Two winged horses to return me to the sea

Evil can't teach me a thing anymore
Come on Noreen, it's you I adore
To the moon, the serpent sings
At this moment, you mean everything

And I'm gonna try
To storm the palace before I die
To touch the water and feel the tide
And get a look at the eyes inside

All my dreaming brings me
Two winged horses to return me to the sea

I rejoiced at seeing the giantess
And the world and its cruelties
And the serpent that sings:
"Now, for the moon, Noreen!"
"Now, for the moon, Noreen!"


from Viper Summer, released May 5, 2023


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Virgin of the Birds San Francisco, California

Named after a poor English translation of a Salvador Dali painting, Virgin of the Birds treads a line between intimate, lo fi folk and the occasional grandeur of early art rock.

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