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I Don't Like Who You Are

from Something Unforgivable by Dissonance

00:00 / 03:25


I Don’t Like Who You Are
I’m waiting in the afterglow, there’s nothing left to prove or show
And now I’ve finally come this far I don’t like, I don’t like, I don’t like who you are
You were more than imaginable, how I hung my dreams upon your star
Reality’s uninhabitable, your world is a toxic killing jar
I don’t like who you are
I never really could foresee this turn of events and I find it bizarre
But this is real and it’s how I feel I don’t like, I don’t like, I don’t like who you are
You were more than imaginable, how I hung my dreams upon your star
Reality’s uninhabitable, your world is a toxic killing jar
I don’t like who you are


from Something Unforgivable, released December 18, 2022
Hall, Von Herrmann


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Dissonance Dallas, Texas

Signed to Hakatak in 1996, the style of Dissonance has evolved largely from dance music, but incorporates elements from industrial, pop, and alternative rock. Compared to bands like Nine Inch Nails, Curve, This Mortal Coil, and Information Society.

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