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Welcome To The Noosphere

from Ursa Major Moving Group by Ursa Major Moving Group

00:00 / 07:08
  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Ltd press of 300 on black vinyl
    Please note the vinyl edition with a run time of 40mins features the first six tracks from the album.
    She Pixelates and Requiem For A Customer come with the complimentary digital Download.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Ursa Major Moving Group via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      £20 GBP or more 


  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      £1 GBP  or more



Universal time
A virus in the lining of the womb
A superstructure ticking from my tomb
Greed is in the system
Eating through the ceiling of the biosphere

So beat me into line
And gag me with religion, it's the same
The torture of the object is the name
Harvesting a rhythm of psychic pain
Until I'm grieving the biosphere

I'm February forever
Climbing through the fires of purgatory
Well I could stay forever
Swimming in my synchronicity
But February forever
I'm wrestling with desire for a scene
A dressing gown, a doorway and an endless seam

February forever
I'm crying with desire for the scene
Getting higher and higher on a timeless dream

Getting higher and higher
Getting higher and higher...

I could stay forever
I could stay forever
I could stay forever
I could stay forever...

Universal mind
Tuck me inside your universal score
'Cause I'm sucking on the pendulum no more
From mass hallucination to inward spore
I'm leaving the biosphere

[And I think it's leaving me]

Bye bye bye bye biosphere
Bye bye bye bye biosphere
Bye bye bye bye biosphere
Bye bye bye bye bye biosphere


from Ursa Major Moving Group, released June 9, 2023


all rights reserved



Ursa Major Moving Group London, UK

Desire surfacing like an open wound in a toxic scrap heap

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