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I haven't gone to sleep for a day or two
I can't think straight always thinking bout you
I'm having bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about you

I haven't slept a wink
For a week or two
Can't think straight don't know what I'm gonna do
I'm having bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about

Bad bad dreams

Yeah, I woke up about two hours ago
Tossing and turning to and fro
Don't want those bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about you

It's been a total nightmare since the day you left
Mr. Sandman you leave me so bereft
With all those bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about you
Bad bad dreams about

Bad bad dreams

Maybe I shouldn't have had that coffee so late
Too many beers maybe something I ate
The Dream Police can't solve this crime
Come back to me and we can turn back time

Maybe I shouldn't have had that coffee so late
Too many beers maybe something I ate
The Dream Police can't even solve this crime
Come back to me and we can turn back time
Turn back time
Turn back time

Bad bad dreams
Bad bad dreams
Bad bad dreams


from Affordable Excellence, released March 16, 2023


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Monty Vega & The Sittin' Shivas Portland, Oregon

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