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White Shirt

from One Shade Darker by PRIESTGATE

00:00 / 03:14
  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Colour vinyl of our new EP, limited to 500 copies

    Includes unlimited streaming of One Shade Darker via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    edition of 500  10 remaining
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  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      £1 GBP  or more



White shirt
For the desert
Let's say
We're here forever
Hold fast you're still young
Hold fast now the days gone
These days
Rolling over
We've grown so much older
I feel better now it's over

Same face
But it's older
That worn summer
The dead October
So much better now it's over
Same face
But it's older
That worn summer
The dead October
So much better now it's over

This town
It's a desert now
Tell me why it is that we're so proud
We'll get out get out somehow
And if we don't, who's counting down.
Keep up, two feet on the ground.
Days quiet, it don't make a sound.
Books quiet, there's no one aroud.
Look up, somethings coming down.

Same face
But it's older
That worn summer
The dead October
So much better now it's over
Same face
But it's older
That worn summer
The dead October
So much better now it's over

This town
It's a desert now
Tell me why it is that we're so proud
We'll get out get out somehow
And if we don't, who's counting down.
This town
It's a desert now
Tell me why it is that we're so proud
We'll get out get out somehow
And if we don't, who's counting down.

Same face
But it's older
That worn summer
The dead October
So much better now it's over
Same face
But it's older
That worn summer
The dead October
So much better now it's over


from One Shade Darker, released March 3, 2023


all rights reserved




Hailing from the sleepy rural town of Driffield, Yorkshire, Priestgate are charismatic, angsty and euphoric in equal measure. After a stellar year of experimentation, the band have emerged in 2020 with their own brand of guitar music infusing pop hooks with dark sensibilities as popularised by The Cure and Joy Division. The band have received support from So Young, Radio 1 and 6Music. ... more

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