Deftly displaying what a holiday with Mike Paradinas during a pandemic is like. Various mood swings keep you on your toes throughout, whilst giving you a chance to relax too. Welcome back µ-Ziq ! chromasy
The ratio of normal tracks to tracks that genuinely make me go "Jesus christ, how can a piece of music be this perfect" in an album shouldn't be this high draconium
Delightfully manic dance music from British producer Patrick Tipler where worked-up rhythms collide with high-intensity synths. Bandcamp... New & Notable Sep 4, 2021
Emotionally stirring avant-techno from Surgeons Girl, offering a field of percolating analog synths to get lost in. Bandcamp New & Notable Oct 18, 2022
Third vinyl EP in a series of archival releases by a RX-101, aka Dutch producer Erik Jong. Crunchy, blown out, high-octane rave acid. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jun 13, 2017