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Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

from Technicolor Noir : The Album by Technicolor Noir

00:00 / 03:22
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Ode to being different and an underdog, living a seemingly insignificant life and being invisible on the outside world, but existing and evolving, being actually someone in the underground... To a Bubble-Gum inspired rhythm and in Burlesque mode!


Baa Baa Black Sheep, Have you any Cool?
Yes sir, mister, three bags fool!
Moo Moo White Cow, Have you any Milk?
Yes ma'am, honey, two spoonful!

Try your way, no matter if you skip, don't flip
Don't let people tell you what to do, just do
It don't matter if you're on your own, you'll own
Black sheep among the white herd you'll be, just be!

Here comes Underground
... Come on the ground!
Here comes Underground
... Come on the ground!
Here comes Underground
... Come on the ground!
Here it comes now... On the ground!

People won't crowd you, you will be left, a lone.
A lone ranger fighting windmills in... your mind.
Sacrifice yourself finding a way, your way.
Searching new paths, you won't lose, just choose, you'll win.

Baa Baa Black Sheep, Have you any Cool?
Yes sir, prankster, three bags fool!
Moo Moo White Cow, Have you any Milk?
Yes ma'am, baby, I'm no fool!


from Technicolor Noir : The Album, released February 14, 2023
Lyrics & Music by Alexandre Hussenet


all rights reserved



Technicolor Noir Paris, France

"Technicolor Noir"... Noir as in "Film Noir", and Technicolor as in "Technicolor Dreams", a movie sub-genre where the Film Noir is shot in color... and a band from Paris. Members are Astro, guitar, now on lead vocals... Eric plays drums... Yves who recorded the group's first 45 on Dig The Fuzz, is back on bass.
New member is Russian expat Seva on second guitar.
... more

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