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from Fata Morgana by DM Stith

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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Fata Morgana, DM Stith’s new LP produced by Thomas Bartlett (Yoko Ono, Florence + the Machine, St. Vincent), out April 14th from Historical Fiction Records, presents a transformed Stith. After a decade in Brooklyn that saw releases on Asthmatic Kitty and Octave Recordings, Stith moved to Rochester, New York in the summer of 2021 trading the familiar density of New York City for fresh perspective on the shores of Lake Ontario.

    The experience and resulting artistic clarity is woven through the album that feels as much like a mirror as it does a memoir. The album takes its name from the rare phenomena, a mirage that bends the horizon and allows the viewer to see farther than they could on their own. This is the Fata Morgana – the trick of light transforming, reflecting, a physical representation of grace.

    On Doomed!, the album’s first single, Stith declares, “I shed my skin/all over again / All my memories and All they represent” with a playful, reassured tone. From track to track Stith mines his anxieties (I can’t seem to get/ lost in this city / its numbing infinity) and natural surroundings (I’ll take it as proof / the intent of the universe / to show me itself / Ontario blue) for tight pop tunes he refracts through adventurous arrangements and Bartlett’s impressionistic production.

    Reflecting on the new release, Stith shares, “I realized I’d have to address the ways my fear of death has manifested as perfectionism; that, in order to understand the function of that death-clutch, I’d have to allow myself to be seen as I am. To speak with my
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Where am I?

I wandered upstate rising up

Evaporating out of my life

Even when I’m closest to you

You’re a prism and I just pass right through

To a peaceful plain

Calm wind in the grain

Still this hive is churning out again its


Its doom…

I shed my skin all over again

All my memories and

All they represent

They hug me like a hurricane wheel

Exploring every inch of me

Hug me like I’m doomed…

Oh light like this gets stuck in my eyelashes

And I’m cocooned in my own doubt and fear

I calm myself

I console myself

But I can’t hold myself

Cuz I can’t slow myself

And I can’t show myself

Cuz I don’t know, myself

Maybe its just that I’ve outgrown myself

I’m doomed

I’m doomed

I’m doomed

I’m doomed

I’m doomed

I’m doomed

I’m doomed



from Fata Morgana, track released February 10, 2023


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DM Stith Rochester, New York

A singer-songwriter and visual artist currently living in New York State

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