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Ancient Lungs

by The Donnis Trio

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00:00 / 03:35


Rising speech, rising strength, rising love come over me.
Cut my past burden weight, all that's true come back to me.
Oh I've been gone for so long, for so long

As in the reasons from the first one that came
As in the story held from the belly of the lake
As in the sleeper coming back into state
Talking freedom while their hammering their stake

As in the shadows shelter from the sun
As in the patience of a loving one
As in the rhythm of the words that take the tongue
and in the first breath of air in ancient lungs

Rising sleep, rising night, rising emptiness, come over me
Oh I've been gone for so long, for so long

As in the reasons from the first one that came
As in the story held from the belly of the lake
As in the sleeper coming back into state
Talking freedom while their hammering their stake

As in the shadows shelter from the sun
As in the patience of a loving one
As in the rhythm of the words that take the tongue
and in the first breath of air in ancient lungs

Oh I've been gone for so long, for so long


released January 13, 2023
Nate Donnis: Guitars, Vocals
Phil Woodring: Drums
Denis Sluka: Bass
Ben Moore: Production
Dave Gardener: Mastering


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The Donnis Trio San Diego, California

Characterized by the baritone vocals of Nate Donnis, the precise/intricate rhythm section of Phil Woodring (Drums) and Denis Sluka (Bass), the Donnis Trio is a folk/rock band from San Diego, Ca. Their music has received over 25 million plays on Pandora radio and music from their albums has been placed in shows like Skins (UK), Breaking Amish, 90210, MTV, and more. ... more

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