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from Surf The Sun by Eleni Drake

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Hey, do you miss me like I miss you?
It's ok, I think about you too

Like the time we sat on our balcony
And the rain was pouring heavily
And you lit the wrong end of your cigarette
And claimed all the cool kids did it like that

But it's harsh
Oh it's harsh
To know that we don't suit that well
Oh it's harsh
Babe it's harsh

Come on over just one more time
Cos if it's one more time, then we'll be just fine
Kick it like we used to do
And I'll dance for you in our living room

Drinking whiskey watching old tv
But I feel your gaze pouring over me
I blush and pull my face inside my knees
Oh I wish you'd surf the sun with me

Still it's harsh
Oh it's harsh
To know that we don't suit that well
Oh it's harsh
Babe it's harsh

Oh its harsh
Yes it's harsh
To know that we don't suit that well
Oh it's harsh
Babe it's harsh


from Surf The Sun, released May 19, 2023


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Eleni Drake London, UK

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