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Intellectual Singularity

from Neon-Lit Metropolis by Sonic Assault

00:00 / 03:23
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Fervor for technology
Automation transcends beyond our capabilities
Seizing our place, developing apace
Research funded ceaselessly
A vision of institutional amelioration

Automate, remove the fleshly imperfections
Automate, allow equations to refine our competence
Automate, expedite structural perfection
Automate, erase deficiencies once and for all

Allow equations to refine us
Erase deficiencies once and for all

Eyes in the sky
Advancing from desolate lands into urban streets
Taking the role of the enforcers of law in the center of the sphere
Negating the risks, eliminating the threats perceived

Serein falls upon the body of a dissident
Lifeless, killed by circuits making an analysis of danger
Devoid of humanity
Destroyed but replaced, an artificial mind left unscathed

Financing into the science of machines
An endless quest to advance beyond our limitations

Sensory aphasia vanished, bygone
Communication perfected
Apperception creating a prototype of intellect
A ghost paramount
Ignorance shadows what is to be born

Its own ingenuity not yet unmasked
Information obtained without external aid
Improved by itself, untying the roots
Increasingly spinning away from our hands

An artificial neural network inciting itself
Questions evolve themselves from cybernetic synapses
Accelerating evolvement leaves but a step
The final process to become self-aware

A hidden product of man playing god
A reflection of our evolution shines in its final graze
A self-sufficiently evolving intelligence


from Neon-Lit Metropolis, released January 29, 2022


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Sonic Assault Gothenburg, Sweden

SONIC ASSAULT is a metal band hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden. They play progressive thrash metal with influences from a multitude of other genres such as death metal, black metal and hardcore, with a cyberpunk theme and concept.

Currently active with their debut concept album NEON-LIT METROPOLIS!
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