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can’t hate myself Into a different shape

from can’t hate myself into a different shape by Brimheim

00:00 / 03:38
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You’ve never asked about my hands
why I always clench all things that are broken
like a heart in pieces or a shard of glass,
I hold it tight
until it cuts
and I feel right

If I could just shave off another piece of myself

Would you
Watch me fall apart
Right in front of your eyes
‘cause I can’t hate myself
Into a different shape
And fall apart
Right in front of your eyes
I can’t hate myself
Into a different shape

Remember the birthday dinner for your prettiest friend
I’ve never tried harder to not be myself
So yet again my fist it squeezed
shattered glass, but you don’t see
The cut is shaped like her, it bleeds
stronger, better, more complete

But I’ll never be like her

If I could just shave off another piece of myself

Would you
Watch me fall apart
Right in front of your eyes
‘cause I can’t hate myself
Into a different shape
And fall apart
Right in front of your eyes
I can’t hate myself
Into a different shape

fall apart
Right in front of your eyes
‘cause I can’t hate myself
Into a different shape
And fall apart
Right in front of your eyes
I can’t hate myself
Into a different shape

Watch me fall apart
‘Cause I won’t hate myself


from can’t hate myself into a different shape, released January 28, 2022
Helena Heinesen Rebensdorff, Søren Buhl Lassen


all rights reserved



Brimheim Malmö, Sweden

Crafting lyricism with candid veracity, Brimheim’s brand of indie rock provides the unexpected
yet catchy. Articulate phrases run their nails along her day-to-day attempts to decipher the ‘how to’ of happiness. Naturally, an underlying current of anxiety undulates throughout, but occasional flowerings of hope and humor offer a welcome and
contrasting fragrance.
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