supported by 117 fans who also own “The First Thaw”
Just the kind of gentle soundtrack I need when I am doing simple repetitive manual tasks. Impossible to decide on a favourite track because they are all wonderful. Jeremy Cherfas
New York trio numün use a mixture of Eastern and Western musical stylings on their vibey psychedelic instrumentals. Bandcamp New & Notable...Jan 19, 2023
Arkansas' Austin Cash soundtracks the documentary The Palisades Project with these thoughtful, delicate ambient Americana pieces. Bandcamp... New & Notable Mar 1, 2022
Folk experimentalist Golden Brown makes a turn into carefully layered, infinitely delicate improvisational ambient on this new LP. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jan 25, 2022
supported by 81 fans who also own “The First Thaw”
Unlike any other. Its feel is both reflective and down to earth, and the compositions are easily differentiated despite their relative shortness. Not only a pleasure to listen to, this album is rhythmically complex, but not in a maddening, hard to process way. Also, very clever album title. ianjworsomething