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When's It Gonna Stop?

from Moral Fables by The Coral Gables

00:00 / 04:05
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Someone call an ambulance
There’s something wrong, I’m feeling sick
Take me to a safe, secure location
A heart attack, a blood disease
Oh, something’s coming over me
It's tightening the locks to this prison

A lung collapse, a stroke, the flu
Malaria, deadly mildew
It’s nothing good, always something new
In the graveyard that I’m walking through

Because I'm worrying
I'm worrying
Stop your worrying
How can I go on?

Under my skin
There are two lungs breathing
And a heart that’s beating
When's it gonna stop?

Natural causes, dangerous stunts
I know it’s got to happen once
To everyone of every persuasion
Even me, hard to believe,
From rotting flesh to growing tree
Maybe just a glitch in a simulation

A lightning strike, a ruptured spleen
A nuclear war or the guillotine
An avalanche, a hurricane
A poison dart, a speeding train
I had a sudden fall, got a shattered hip
And a broken leg, and a busted lip
I need an EKG and an IV drip
I’ve got a leaky hull, I’m like a sinking ship

I'm worrying
I'm worrying
Stop your worrying
How can I go on?

Under my skin
There are two lungs breathing
And a heart that’s beating
When's it gonna stop?

I'm worrying
I'm worrying
Stop your worrying
When's it gonna stop!!??


from Moral Fables, released August 9, 2022
Lyrics by Kenny Hoffman
Music by The Coral Gables

Recorded at The Jlelaty House
Engineered, Mixed, and Mastered by Pooch Gallagher


all rights reserved



The Coral Gables New York, New York

Our newest single is"Crossed Radio Signals" and you oughta consider listening to it.

We are split between New York City and Philadelphia. It's very painful.

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