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I Lost My Nerve


00:00 / 03:44
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(voice message, dad)
I cannot play a chord without my hands shakin' weak.
I cannot sing a note without my voice crackin' deep.
It's been too long since I dared to pick up my pen.
All because I'm terrified to look deep within.
(voice message, me)

I lost my nerve and I think I'm gonna die
I'm too young to give me up, but I'm old enough to try.
Am I a mistake? Born in the wrong time?
I'm too young to give me up,
but I'm old enough to try.
Don't let me try.

The war outside should weigh enough to be my muse.
But waiting for another day is all I do.
The wrath and humor I once spit is where my ghost is found.
I'm a stranger in my bed, a walking shadow in my house.

I'm hanging on, barely on.

I lost my nerve and I think I'm gonna die
I'm too young to give me up, but I'm old enough to try.
Am I a mistake? Born in the wrong time?
I'm too young to give me up,
but I'm old enough to try.
Don't let me.
(voice message, me)

Tell me where the hell did I put myself,
I can't find myself
I can't find myself.
Tell me when the hell was my funeral?
Let me see myself
Let me see my...

I lost my nerve and I think I'm gonna die
I'm too young to give me up, but I'm old enough to try.
Am I a mistake? Born in the wrong time?
I'm too young to give me up,
but I'm old enough to try.
Don't let me.
(voice message, me)


released November 2, 2022


all rights reserved



NEFFY New York, New York


Neffy is NPR's 2021 Tiny Desk Contest winner. Her songs are “pure soul, killing you softly ‘till the end” (WAMU 88.5).

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