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We are the Topiary Creatures!
We're very pleased to meetchas!
Señors and señoritas too

The animals we feature
you know would never eatcha
We sing so very sweet to you

Welcome to the zoo (zoo, zoo)
With the kangaroos ('roos, 'roos)
And the tigers too (too, too)
Welcome to the zoo (zoo zoo)!

So show some self-reliance
Come in and see our clients
But do not feed the giant yaks!

You'll learn about the lions
and advertising tie-ins!
And maybe learn some science facts

(CHORUS repeats twice in background)

So wipe off your windshield so you can see
the elephant, the monkey, and the chimpanzee
Canaries, peccaries, the bears are all hairy,
The cheetahs, cicadas, gorillas and gators,
The emu and the llama very similar to the dromedary
Turtles and the tortoises, the dolphins and the porpoises,
Mice, lice, geese, moose--
Welcome to the zoo!

[muttering] ...creatures,
We're very pleased to meetchas,
I haven't written this verse yet

But, uh, I will write it
and it will sound much better
than when we had "wet wet wet"

(CHORUS repeats twice in background; RAP once in foreground)

We are the Topiary Creatures
We're "early multimedia"
So our lips don't have to move exact

But our director Sammy
says we could win a Grammy!
If we let you interact

(CHORUS repeats)



all rights reserved



The Fat Man and Team Fat Coronado, California

Internationally known as The Fat Man, George Alistair Sanger’s influence is hard to overestimate. Through his work, his writings, the founding of think-tanks, organizations and communities—but mainly his music—this “legendary game audio guru’s” fingerprints are all over much of what it means today to create game audio or listen to a game. ... more

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