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  • DVD

    La Monte Young’s greatest masterpiece The Well-Tuned Piano
    Third DVD Edition with a 52-page booklet, which includes Young, Marian Zazeela and Jung Hee Choi's essays.
    ships out within 14 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $89 USD or more 



The first 12-minutes of the 6-hour 24-minute version


from The Well-Tuned Piano in the Magenta Lights “87 V 10 6:43:00 PM — 87 V 11 1:07:45 AM NYC”, released June 17, 2021
Playback Suggestions

The Well-Tuned Piano covers an exceptionally wide dynamic range; some sections are extremely loud and other sections are extremely soft. In order for the soft sections to be loud enough to hear the inner resonances of the piano, ii is appropriate to set your volume control so that the loudest sections actually fill the listening space with sound and are as loud as you can comfortably enjoy them. The first few times that you listen to the work, you will find an optimum setting for your volume control which you may eventually want to mark in order to avoid adjusting the volume control as you listen.

La Monte Young    Marian Zazeela

The Well-Tuned Piano in the Magenta Lights
“87 V 10 6:43:00 PM — 87 V 11 1:07:45 AM NYC”

La Monte Young, Dia Custom Bösendorfer Imperial Grand
The Well-Tuned Piano and Just Intonation Tuning VI 1964-1973-1981-1987-present composed by La Monte Young
The Magenta Lights 1981-present composed by Marian Zazeela


all rights reserved



La Monte Young New York, New York

La Monte Young pioneered the concept of extended time durations in 1957 and for over 60 years contributed extensively to the development of just intonation and rational number based tuning systems in his performance works; his work had a wide-ranging influence on contemporary music, art, and philosophy, including Minimalism, Fluxus, performance art, and Conceptual art. ... more

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